2013年二月 於 印尼雅加達報導 《原文在此》

Protect-A-Bed and Massindo Group Help Flood Victims in Indonesia

The distributor of Protect-A-Bed products recently donated 60 foam mattresses to victims of a January flood in Jakarta.

The Massindo Group recently donated supplies to flood victims in Jakarta. Photo courtesy of Protect-a-Bed.

JARKARTA, Indonesia – The Massindo Group, the distributor of Protect-A-Bed products and owner of the Comforta mattress brand in Indonesia, recently donated 60 foam mattresses to victims of a massive flood that is immobilizing Jakarta, the firm said. Massindo Group employees, together with the Kopassus, the Special Command Forces in the region, distributed mattresses, food, flashlights, bottled water and medication to flood victims in January.

Concerned the waters were not receding after the Jan. 17 flood, the Massindo Group wanted to help flood victims who did not evacuate, the company said. “As we understand so far, many individuals preferred to stay at their homes, sleeping on the floor or floor mat,” says Massindo Group CEO Jeffri Massie. “We realized the need for mattresses is so important for citizens to achieve a proper rest, especially during this stressful time.” 
To distribute the mattresses, Massindo Group’s team covered the mattresses with Protect-A-Bed waterproof mattress encasements and placed the boxed supplies on top. Because roads are impassable due to high water, the protected mattresses were floated to recipients. “We think this is an ingenious way to transport essential supplies to those in need,” says James Bell, CEO of Protect-A-Bed. “But it also proves that Protect-A-Bed mattress encasements can keep mattresses clean and dry, even from a flood.”
The mattress donation is the latest example of Massindo Group’s dedication to helping those in need. “We’ve distributed food, bug spray, Kleenex and other medical supplies to nearly 500 people,” Massie says. “We will continue to help and are hopeful the waters will recede soon.”

長期致力於社會公益的機能型保潔墊的專家Protect-A-Bed® 美國寢之堡 印尼總代理大手筆捐贈 60 組套上 Allerzip® 全密封床墊套 (全包式保潔墊) 的泡棉床墊給雅加達水患災民。同時參與緊急救援床墊、食品、手電筒、瓶裝水和藥物等緊急救難物資。

由於首都雅加達洪水過後多日淹水並沒有消退,道路無法通行水位又高,許多災民甚至沒有地方可以睡覺。我們希望在這個急難的時期提供堅守家園的災民能至少有一個安身的地方。美國寢之堡印尼團隊將泡棉床墊搭配 Protect- A- Bed® 美國寢之堡 Allerzip® 全密封床墊套 (全包式保潔墊) 完全的包覆,並將緊急救難物資放置於床墊上如小船一般在水面上漂浮並運送到災民手中。Protect-A-Bed® 美國寢之堡首席執行長 James Bell表示,這是一個巧妙的方式來運送緊急物資給最需要的災民,同時這也證明了Protect-A-Bed® 美國寢之堡的 Allerzip®全密封床墊套 (全包式保潔墊) 完全的防水,同時還能保持床墊的乾燥與清潔。

Protect-A-Bed® 美國寢之堡採用Miracle Membrane® 頂級防護分子薄膜,具有超強的防水防蟎特性,能阻隔水份、髒汙、極細小的塵蟎與皮屑滲入床墊與枕芯,獨特的3D六面防水防蟎全密封床墊套(全包式保潔墊),不只表面不用擔心用髒,連側面、底部都一併全方位防護,不用擔心水滲入床墊。